The Post-Journal
by Frank Hyde
August 10, 1976
Sirianni Named SWCS Head Football Coach
Sirianni, who has been in the Southwestern Central School faculty since the fall of 1969, was named head coach of the Trojans last night, succeeding Dan Barren, who resigned earlier.
The new head man, a graduate of Clarion State, has been a football assistant under two coaches, Clarence “Flash” Olson and Barren, since he joined the school’s faculty.
At the same board meeting where Sirianni was named the resignation of Ron Frederes was accepted. Frederes said this morning he has accepted the head basketball coaching position at Davidson County Community College near High Point, N.C. Frederes has been baseball and freshman and jayvee basketball coach at SWCS.
Sirianni preferred to remain noncommittal about his prospects “until we get out there and see how things shape up.”
He did add: “I’m optimistic but it is going to be a tough job and there will be a lot of work but, as I said, I’m optimistic and confident we will do okay.”
School Superintendent Dalen Showalter said “We think highly of Mr. Sirianni and I believe it was a good choice. He has worked under two capable coaches and they were also very satisfied with his work.”
Sirianni, a graduate of Kane High School, went to Clarion State on a partial football scholarship. He played four years of college varsity as a defensive back.
He is married to the former Amy Wladyka of Pittsburgh. They have two sons, Michael, 4, and Jay, one and a half.
Frederes, who has coached baseball at Southwestern for seven years, has full tenure at the school, said in many ways he regrets leaving Southwestern. “I have been treated well and the athletes have responded to my coaching but I feel this is a step upward, the kind of opportunities we must take advantage of in schoolwork.”
Frederes’ undergraduate work was at Brockport State where he played varsity basketball. His masters’ work was obtained at the University of North Carolina. Frederes also coached freshmen basketball for five years and Jayvees for two at SWCS.
Davidson, he said, is not considered a basketball power in community college circles. Last year’s record was 6-15, “so there is a lot of room for improvement, which I hope to bring about,” he said.
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