The Post-Journal
September 4, 1941
Lyle Parkhurst, Youthful Portside Pitcher, Signs '42 Contract With Falcons
Lyle Parkhurst, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Parkhurst, 325 Crossman Street, who has won recognition as a lefthanded pitcher, has signed a contract for the 1942 PONY Baseball League season with the Jamestown Falcons, who will take him to their southern training camp next spring.
After gaining fame for his flinging feats in the Muny and American Legion junior baseball leagues in the city, the high school youth went to Cleveland for a tryout with the Indians, who looked him over in action and predicted he had a future in the national pastime.
Parkhurst pitched for the Northside Merchants and played with both the Collins Sports Shop and Bradshaw Insurance Agency nines of the Legion loop as well as with the Spiders of the Interstate circuit and independent starts during the current season.
As a member of the Collins' team, Parkhurst twirled a no-hit, no-run game. He has turned in a number of two and three-hit games. The portside twirler, who is proud to wear the spangles of the championship Falcons, weighs 150 pounds and is 5 feet, 11 inches tall.
As a student at Washington Junior High school last year, he played baseball, football and basketball and was a member of the track and field team at the northside school.
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