Jamestown Evening Journal

Graduate of J.H.S. Will Be The Alumni Speaker

Parke H. Davis of Easton, Pa., Attorney and Well-Known Football Authority, to Give Address at Reunion in June.


The speaker for the Jamestown High School Alumni association reunion and banquet is to be Parke H. Davis, Easton, Pa., attorney and former football coach and nationally known football writer, who is an alumnus of the local high school, according to an announcement made by Austin K. Anderson, president of the alumni association. The reunion and banquet are to be held at the Hotel Jamestown Thursday. June 23. It is to be a part of the centennial celebration here during that week. Mr. Davis, who spent his boyhood days in Jamestown, attending the rural schools and graduating from Jamestown high school, is an authority on football, contributing many, articles on the sport to The Journal. The last of these was recently published, commenting on the new football rule regarding the placing of the goal posts back of the goal line.

Mrs. Austin W. Stitt, a sister of Mr. Davis, now resides at Frewsburg. Mr. Davis' letter to Mr. Anderson, accepting the Invitation to speak at the alumni affair this June is as follows:

"Mr. Austin K Anderson,

"Jamestown, New York,

"My Dear Mr. Anderson:

"I am honored and pleased beyond expression over your invitation to address my fellow alumni of the Jamestown High school at Jamestown. June 23d. It gives me especial pleasure to accept this invitation. It will be one of my delightful visits throughout the spring to look forward to this occasion and to journey again to Jamestown. Permit me to cooperate with you in every way.

"Among my many football achievements none gives me greater satisfaction than that of having been the organizer of the first high school football team -which was organized in the spring of 1889 and played a game with the Business college on the flats.

"I thank you very deeply indeed for according me this honor and opportunity.

"With warm, good wishes to you. I am

"Yours very cordially, Parke H. Davis"

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