Ramsay Riddell

Ramsay Riddell
Ramsay Riddell

Year Inducted

EDITOR’S NOTE: The first part of this article by Frank Hyde originally appeared in The Post-Journal in 1952.

Canada's former amateur ski jumping champion has come down to earth and gone in the cattle business - at Panama.

Ask him why, and quiet, soft-spoken Ramsay Riddell tells you: "I don't know. Always wanted to be a farmer and land was too high back home."

"Back home" is Canada, cradle of strong men and home of some of the world's finest skiers.

So Ramsay Riddell of Canada's outstanding athletic family that include a nationally known golfer, skiier, hockey player and football coach, has become farmer Riddell - first of the Riddells to turn to the sod.

more about Ramsay Riddell

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