The Post-Journal

Letter To Sports

Dear Sports Editor:

The George Barone Baseball Reunion held on July 5 at the Gateway Train Station raised $865.70 for the Rosewell Park Alliance Foundation in helping courageous children fight cancer.

I appreciate the tremendous help from Marty Carcione and John Geraci. A big thank you to Mark and Lisa Melquist, Sharon Kane, Rhonda Ryberg, Lynn Blasdell, Lisa and Brett Heath, Stephanie Honey, John LaMancuso, Tina Liuzzo and Linda Nelson.

Thank you for personal donations from Marty Carcione. John Geraci, Russ Diethrick, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Raines, Ron Madden, Joseph and Casey Pawelski, Lind’s Funeral Home, Doug Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Bart Schuver, and Randy and Diane Woleen.

The following merchants donated to the Chinese Auction: Acme Appliance Store a 32-inch television set donated by Dan and Beth Hocking, the Jamestown Cycle Shop, the Jamestown Bowling Company, Tim Hortons, South Hills Country Club, Alfie’s Restaurant, Snap Fitness, Brigiotta’s, LaScala Restaurant, the Jamestown Savings Bank Arena, the Southern Tier Express, Lena’s Pizza, the Jamestown Jammers, Marty’s Golf Basket, Landmark Restaurant, Pet Boutique, the Olive Garden, Robo Wash, Tastee Corners, Erie Seawolves, Papaserge Jewelry, Bob Evans, Miley’s, Charlie LaDuca Pro Bats, Geer Dunn and All-American Barbecue.

Pete Hubbell, former WJTN sports director, attended from Sarasota, Fla.

Deceased members honored were Dale Haines, Tom Paweleski, Joe Nalbone, Lyle Parkhurst and Walt Roode.

Extra chicken dinners were donated to the St. Susan Center and the Rescue Mission.

George Barone


The additional financial assistance of the community is critical to the success of the Chautauqua Sports Hall of Fame.
We gratefully acknowledge these individuals and organizations for their generous support.